This market remains vulnerable to negative shocks

This market remains vulnerable to negative shocks: Sevens Report Analysts Quoted in

S&P 500 could hit low 4,000s if ‘things get worse’: The Sevens Report

According to the latest Sevens Report Research note, the S&P 500 may face a significant drop into the low 4,000s in a worst-case scenario, if economic conditions deteriorate and key market assumptions falter.

The firm said in its latest note that recent market activity has shown that the S&P 500 is trading at a valuation that does not reflect current economic realities.

“This market remains vulnerable to negative shocks on growth, Fed rate cuts, inflation, and earnings,” the analysts explained, highlighting the risks the index faces.

Economic data, especially in the labor market, has shown a deterioration in recent months, which has led to rising concerns about a potential hard landing.

While the data still suggests a soft landing is more likely, the slowing economy does not justify the S&P 500’s current 21X multiple, according to Sevens.

“The economy is notably losing momentum, and that’s simply not an environment that warrants a 20X multiple,” Sevens stated.

Also, click here to view the full article published on September 10th, 2024. However, to see the Sevens Report’s full comments on the current market environment sign up here.

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