
Weekly Market Cheat Sheet, July 24, 2017

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Last Week in Review

The economic calendar picks up this week beginning with the flash PMI today (9:45 a.m. ET), as we continue to get an initial look at the July data. So far, the data has been a bit underwhelming as both the Empire and Philly Fed surveys came in light last week.

As far as hard data goes, Durable Goods comes out Thursday, and the preliminary second-quarter GDP number comes out Friday.

Housing data also picks up this week, and after last week’s mixed results (remember the Housing Market Index missed but Housing Starts was solid) economists will be looking for a better read on the current status of the real estate market. The two big reports this week are Existing Home Sales on Monday, and New Home Sales on Wednesday. However, the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller HPI also will be worth watching (due out Tuesday). If the housing data is more in line with the strong Housing Starts data we saw last week, that will be an underlying positive for the economy and supportive for risk assets near term.

Turning to the central banks, the FOMC meets Tuesday and Wednesday, and the meeting will be concluded with an announcement on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. There are no material changes expected to come from the meeting, and it would be a shock if rates were not left unchanged. There is no press conference or forecasts released with this meeting, but language in the statement will be closely watched for any further clues on the Fed’s plans to reduce the balance sheet, or on when rates will be raised. Right now, expectations are for a December hike, but based on the trend in other central bank rhetoric the risk is for a dovish development due to the complete lack of inflation acceleration.

This Week’s Preview

Economic data was thin last week, but we did get our first look at July data in the form of regional Fed outlook surveys as well as a few reports on the housing markets.

Beginning with the Fed surveys, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey was released on Monday, and despite the bad headline it was not a terrible report. The headline missed estimates (9.8 vs. E: 15.0), but the forward looking New Orders component remained solidly above 13. The reason the report was not that bad was the fact that it had started to run hot at unsustainable level recently, and was due for a dip. And the correction we saw in the June data wasn’t too deep, and the details remained encouraging.

The Philly Fed Survey out on Thursday was not as bad a miss as the Empire data on the headline (19.5 vs. E: 22.0), but the details definitely dimmed the outlook for the Mid-Atlantic manufacturing sector. The forward-looking component of the report, New Orders, fell more than 20 points to just 2.1. The survey Philly data last week finally started to show a decline in enthusiasm from the extremely strong survey reports we’ve seen since the election. If these reports are foreshadowing a pullback in the broader US economy, that would be very bad for stocks, as solid growth is still priced into the market at current levels.

Housing data was mixed last week as the Housing Market Index missed expectations, but Housing Starts and Permits were very solid. Data on the real estate market has been all over the place recently, and it will take more data to try to decipher where the trends actually are in the sector. But if the strong Starts and Permits data from last week are any indication (this is a more material data point than the Housing Market Index) that will be a sign of confidence in the US economy.

Lastly, jobless claims were very solid last week as new claims fell back towards a four-decade low. The very positive weekly report was significant, because the data collected corresponds with the survey week for the July BLS Employment report. So, based on jobless claims alone we can expect another very strong official employment report early next month.

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ECB Announcement Takeaways, July 21, 2017

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ECB Announcement Takeaways

  • The ECB left key interest rates unchanged.
  • The monthly QE program remains 60B euros
  • Forward guidance was left unchanged from the June statement.


As expected, the ECB left all major policy decisions as they were at the July meeting, including interest rates, QE and a lack of any material new forward guidance. The initial reaction to the statement was dovish, as policymakers appeared to simple “kick the can” toward the September meeting.

But, Draghi’s press conference following the statement offered more mixed signals. First, the ECB President reiterated his upbeat view of the European economy, which is slightly hawkish, but did mention that he and other policymakers remain cautious about the lack of inflation. To that point, Draghi repeated his pledge to increase QE in both size and duration should the economy falter or financial conditions worsen. This was largely expected, but it offered a dovish reminder. At this point in the press conference, the release was still a wash.

The catalyst for the surge in the euro, which gained well over 1% in intraday trade, was actually due to the lack of attention Draghi gave to the recent strength in the currency. He had several opportunities to address the recent gains in the euro, which hit multi-year highs earlier this week.

Yet the failure to do so was enough for currency traders to chase the shared currency up to new highs.

Bottom line, the ECB effectively “kicked the taper can” to the September meeting, which means unless Draghi verbally suggests otherwise between now and then, any changes will likely be very subtle (i.e. modest taper to QE but extended duration). That was underscored by the fact that the 10-year bund was essentially unchanged yesterday. Looking ahead, the ECB still is a long way off from actually tightening policy (as they are technically still actively easing with their QE program) and as such, the rally in the euro is getting a bit extended. Nonetheless, the trend remains bullish for the euro, and until there is a catalyst such as blunt, less-dovish commentary from Draghi or a spike in EU inflation, then the path of least resistance will remain higher for the euro.

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Gold and Real Interest Rate Update, What It Means for the Economy, July 19, 2017

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Gold rallied 0.67% Tuesday, as political angst spurred a fear bid while strength in the Treasury market continued to help the “real-rate” argument for gold. British inflation data missed expectations, and that was the third release since Friday that showed below-expected price pressures.

That trend helped fuel dovish money flows, which ultimately bolstered the case for gold, because a lower pace of inflation changes the narrative of the world’s central banks. It’s also cause for recalculation of the real interest rate equation (which is simply interest rates minus inflation rates equals real rates).

If real interest rates are actually poised to move lower (as nominal rates fall and inflation remains flat/does not accelerate) that will be bullish for gold and the rest of the precious metals, as they are safe-haven assets that do not offer yield.

For now, we remain neutral on gold due to the technical support violation in early July. Looking ahead, it’s all about the fundamentals, which come back to real rates.

If real rates continue to fall, even because of soft inflation causing a slightly dovish shift in central bank expectations, that will be bullish for gold long term.

From a broader standpoint, if real rates fall further, that will mean that the economy is struggling, or at the very least not meeting expectations. That will be a concern for stock investors, and ultimately holding gold allocations would be a sound hedge against volatility.

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Jobs Report Preview, June 1, 2017

For a second-straight month, the risks to tomorrow’s jobs report are balanced. A “Too Hot” number will increase the possibility of more than three rate hikes in 2017 while a “Too Cold” number will fan worries about the pace of economic growth, and the ability of economic growth to push stocks materially higher from current levels.

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“Goldilocks” Jobs Report Preview:

“Too Hot” Scenario (Potential for More than 3 Rate Hikes in 2017)

 >250k Job Adds, < 4.6% Unemployment, > 2.9% YOY wage increase.

A number this hot will guarantee a June rate hike, but more importantly it would likely reignite the debate over whether the Fed will hike more than three times this year. Likely Market Reaction: Withheld for Sevens Report subscribers—sign up for your free two-week trial to unlock.

“Just Right” Scenario (A June Rate Hike Is Guaranteed, But the Total Number of Expected Hikes for 2017 Remains at Three)

125k–250k Job Adds, > 4.7% Unemployment Rate, 2.5%-2.8% YOY wage increase.

This is the best-case scenario for stocks, as it would imply still-stable job growth, but not materially increase the chances for more than three rate hikes in 2017. Likely Market Reaction: Withheld for Sevens Report subscribers—sign up for your free two-week trial to unlock.

“Too Cold” Scenario (A June Rate Hike Becomes in Doubt)

< 125k Job Adds.

Given the recent unimpressive economic reports, a soft jobs number could cause a decent sell-off in equities. As the Washington policy outlook continues to dim, economic data needs to do more heavy lifting to support stocks. So, given the market’s focus on future growth, the bottom line is bad economic data still isn’t good for stocks. Likely Market Reaction: Withheld for Sevens Report subscribers—sign up for your free two-week trial to unlock.

Bottom Line

This jobs report isn’t important because it will materially alter the Fed’s near term outlook (it’d take a massive miss to do take a June hike off the table). Instead, it’s important because if it prints “Too Cold” it could send bonds and bank stocks through their 2017 lows. And while I respect the fact that stocks have been able to withstand that underperformance so far in 2017, I do not think the broad market can withstand material new lows in yields and bank stocks.

The Sevens Report is the daily market cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets.

Why Are Stocks Falling? Blame Auto Sales (seriously). April 4, 2017

Below is an excerpt from today’s Sevens Report. Cut through the noise and understand what’s truly driving markets, as this new political and economic reality evolves—start your free two-week trial today. 

Economic data was the major influence on markets yesterday, and while most of the focus was on the ISM Manufacturing PMI and the Markit manufacturing PMI, (both of which were in line with expectations), the real market mover was the disappointing auto sales report.

Auto Sales Responsible Auto sales fell to 17.0M saar vs. (E) 17.2M saar, and that number joins a growing chorus of caution signs on the auto industry, including fears about used car pricing and used car debt.

Bottom line, auto sales aren’t as popular as the ISM Manufacturing PMI, but the auto industry in the US is massive and very cyclical, and if we are starting to see the beginnings of a pullback in the auto industry that’s not a good sign for the broader economy. That’s why the disappointing auto sales number hit stocks so hard yesterday, even in the face of in-line manufacturing PMIs.

Bigger picture, the “gap” between soft and hard economic data continued to widen yesterday, as the soft PMI survey data was strong while the hard March auto sales data was disappointing. That gap between sentiment/survey data and actual hard economic numbers must be closed sooner rather than later, and it’s a growing risk to stocks.

ISM Manufacturing Index

• The Index fell to 57.2 vs. (E) 57.1


The trend in the manufacturing sector of the economy remains healthy according to the latest release from the ISM. The March ISM Manufacturing Index did edge back for the first time since August, slipping from 57.7 to 57.2 month over month, but the headline was still narrowly ahead of estimates (57.1).

The details of the report were solid as New Orders remained notably strong at 64.5. That was a slight pullback from February’s reading of 65.1; however, it was the second-largest reading in more than three years (after February). New export orders also were at a three-year-plus high of 59.0 while Employment jumped 4.7 points to 58.0, the highest level in almost six years. Rounding out the report’s internals, Prices Paid rose to 70.5, the highest reading since May 2011, underscoring a potential uptick in inflation in the US.

Bottom line, the ISM release showed some slight moderation month over month, but the general trend remains strong which is a positive (although again, this surging survey data needs to start being confirmed by hard economic numbers).

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