
Jobs Report Preview

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Jobs Report Preview
  • Weekly EIA Analysis and Oil Update

S&P futures are extending this week’s “squeezy” rally in early trade as dovish optimism continues to dominate the tape ahead of this morning’s ECB announcement while economic data was better than feared overnight.

German Manufacturers’ Orders rose 0.3% vs. (E) -0.1% in April while Eurozone GDP was in –line at 0.4% in Q1. Importantly, neither report was inflationary which is allowing the global rally, driven by a notable dovish shift in sentiment, alive today.

Looking into today’s session, Europe will be in focus early as the ECB Announcement is due out at 7:45 a.m. ET and Draghi’s press conference is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. ET. As long as there are no hawkish surprises out of the ECB, money flows are likely to remain “risk-on” as the U.S. session gets underway.

Domestic focus today will be on the few data points: International Trade (E: -$50.8B), Jobless Claims (E: 215K), and Productivity and Costs (E: 3.4%, -0.8%) as well as Fed speakers: Kaplan (8:40 a.m. ET) and Williams (1:00 p.m. ET).

Again, as long as there are no hawkish surprises today, the path of least resistance is still higher for stocks, although the market has gone from deeply oversold, to near term overbought in a hurry so some consolidation or a modest pullback should not come as a surprise ahead of tomorrow’s jobs report.

Is the “Fed Put” Back?

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Is the “Fed Put” Back?

Futures are higher as Tuesday’s “squeezy” rally carried over into international markets overnight thanks to the dovish Fed rhetoric over the last 24 hours and a handful of incremental positive macro developments.

Mnuchin will meet with Chinese officials this weekend and there is growing support by Republican Senators to block Mexican tariffs, both of which are trade war positives.

Economic data overnight was mixed but “goldilocks” as EU composite PMIs were largely better than feared, Eurozone Retail Sales were in line with expectations, while inflation statistics came in light.

Today, focus will be on economic data early with the ADP Employment Report (E: 175K) due out ahead of the bell while the ISM Non-Manufacturing Index (E: 55.8) will print shortly after the open.

There is also one Fed speaker: Bostic (9:45 a.m. ET) and if the general tone remains dovish, this week’s short-squeeze in stocks can continue with the S&P approaching the 2850 area.

However, because the macro backdrop has not materially improved so far this week (again the developments have just been “less bad”), it is unlikely at this point that the move is the beginning of a sustainable, longer term rally.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Newsmax on June 4, 2019

“The market was blindsided by this — this is not good for the markets,” Tom Essaye, president of Sevens Report Research, told Yahoo Finance. This was shared on

Read the full article here.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Yahoo Finance on Jun 3, 2019

“The market was blindsided by this — this is not good for the markets,” Tom Essaye, president of Sevens Report Research, said on Yahoo Finance’s The First Trade.

Click here to read the full article.

Tom Essaye Headshot

Good, Bad, & Ugly Market Scenarios

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Good/Bad/Ugly Scenarios: Likely Market Reactions (Print this Table)

Stock futures are bouncing modestly as investor sentiment improved o/n amid reported progress on one front of the trade war while the markets await Fed comments today.

There were two positive headlines on U.S.-Mexico trade overnight.

First, Republicans in Congress are working to block Trump’s tariff plans and second, the Mexican government has already stepped up border security, showing cooperation on the main demands from the White House.

Meanwhile the RBA cut rates as expected, but the move is adding to the dovish tailwind that has helped markets stabilize so far this week.

Today, there are a few data points to watch: Motor Vehicle Sales (E: 16.9M) and Factory Orders (E: -0.8%), but the markets main focus will be on the Fed as there are several speakers: Williams (8:30 a.m. ET), Powell (9:55 a.m. ET), Brainard (3:45 p.m. ET).

Powell will clearly be the most closely watched, however any further hints at a potential rate cut in the near term will be received positively by the market. Conversely if Bullard’s dovish comments from yesterday are contradicted, stocks could easily turn back negative on the week.

The Four Problems Facing Stocks (Print This List)

Today’s Report is attached as a PDF.

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Market Strategy Update:  The Four Problems Facing Stocks And Positive/Negative Outcomes for Each (I’m printing this list).
  • Weekly Market Preview (It’s Going to Be a Busy Week)
  • Weekly Economic Cheat Sheet

Futures are marginally lower following a busy weekend of news, but one that provided no significant surprises.

Global May manufacturing PMIs were mixed but a bit better than feared.  Chinese Manufacturing PMI was 50.2 vs. (E) 50.0, while the EU PMI met estimates at 47.7.  The British PMI was the disappointment at 49.4 vs. (E) 52.0.

On trade, a Mexican delegation is headed to Washington on Wednesday and there were some relatively positive comments from China, but neither situation has improved.

Today the key event will be the May ISM Manufacturing PMI (E: 52.9).  If that number meets expectations, that will alleviate some growth concerns, while a miss will only worsen the growing worries that the economy is rolling over.  From a Fed standpoint, there are two speakers today (Bullard 1:25 p.m. ET, Daly 9:45 p.m. ET) but neither should move markets as they aren’t part of Fed leadership.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Barron’s on May 31, 2019

Tom Essaye Quoted in Barron’s on May 31, 2019.

Investors have to consider what  Tom Essaye calls the “worst case scenario.” In this case, the governments of Mexico and China decide to wait until the next election…click here to read the full article.

Tom Essaye Interviewed with Yahoo Finance on May 31, 2019

Tom Essaye Interviewed with Yahoo Finance on May 31, 2019. A lot of important topics to talk about lately. Watch the full video here.

Tom Essaye Quoted in MarketWatch on May 30, 2019

Tom Essaye, president of the Sevens Report, said in a Thursday note to clients that trade on Wednesday “somewhat shockingly saw outright gains by China ETFs and emerging market ETFs along with banks. That flies in the face of…” click here to read the full article.

Computer chips

What Mexican Tariffs Mean for Markets

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • What Mexican Tariffs Mean for Markets (New Worst Case Scenario)
  • Two Leading Indicators of Market Contagion We’re Watching
  • Fed Policy Update
  • EIA/Oil Outlook

Futures are down 1% as President Trump announced tariffs against Mexican imports in response to the border crisis, while Chinese economic data missed expectations.

Trump announced a 5% tariff on Mexican imports in June  and rising each month there after until they hit 25%.

The March Chinese manufacturing PMI missed estimates at 49.4 vs. (E) 49.9 adding to global growth worries.

Today the key number is the Core PCE Price Index (E: 1.6% yoy) and if that number prints stronger than estimates, expectations for a Fed rate cut will drop further and given everything else happening today, markets could get ugly.  Conversely, a soft inflation number will increase calls for a rate cut, and stocks could steady on that news.

The other key event today is a speech by New York Fed President Williams, and markets will want to see if he has a dovish tone following the tariff announcement and recent soft data (if he does, that’s a positive).