
Jobs Report Preview

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Jobs Report Preview
  • EIA Analysis and Oil Update

Futures are solidly lower as negative China/COVID headlines and lackluster economic data weighed on markets.

Chinese authorities put the city of Chengdu (population 17 million) in a COVID lockdown, reminding markets “Zero COVID” is still in effect.

Economically, global manufacturing PMIs were underwhelming as all major regions (EU, UK and China) posted numbers below 50 (signaling contraction).

Today focus will be on economic data and the most important number is the ISM Manufacturing PMI (E: 52.2).  Markets need to see an in-line reading, because if it’s a very strong number that will increase hawkish concerns about the Fed, and if it’s a very weak number (below 50) that will spike stagflation concerns.  Outside of the PMI we also get Jobless Claims (E: 248K) and Unit Labor Costs (E: 10.7%) and there’s also one Fed speaker, Bostic at 3:30 p.m. ET.

Updated Technical Take On the Market

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Updated Technical Take
  • EIA Update and Oil Market Analysis
  • More Bad Consumer Earnings

Futures are solidly higher following better-than-expected economic data and as markets continue to recoup Monday’s declines ahead of the Powell speech tomorrow.

Economic data was better than expected overnight as German GDP beat estimates (1.8% vs. (E) 1.4%) as did the IFO Business Expectations survey (80.3 vs. (E) 78.8).

On the Fed front, Bostic said the September rate hike was a 50/50 proposition between 50 bps or 75 bps, and that’s largely in line with market expectations.

Today’s focus will be on economic data via Jobless Claims (E: 255k) and Revised Q2 GDP (E: -0.9%) and markets will want to see a continued slow rise in jobless claims and a stable GDP report (so not materially worse than expected).

Additionally, while the official Fed speaker calendar doesn’t have any events today, we should prepare for a deluge of Fed commentary via the financial media (CNBC, FT, WSJ, Marketwatch, etc.) as the Jackson Hole conference begins.  Barring any major surprise commentary, though, markets should look past Fed speak today and focus on Powell’s speech tomorrow.

FOMC Minutes: Not as Dovish as the Market Reaction

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • FOMC Minutes:  Not as Dovish as the Market Reaction
  • Retail Earnings Takeaways
  • EIA and Oil Market Analysis

Futures are slightly higher on better-than-expected earnings, following an otherwise quiet night of news.

Cisco (CSCO) posted strong earnings and gave positive commentary on tech demand going forward.

Economically, EU HICP (their CPI) met expectations at 8.9% yoy and that reading means a 50 bps rate hike from the ECB is still likely in September.

Today’s focus will be on economic data, specifically the Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey (E: -5.0).  If Philly Fed echoes the weak Empire Manufacturing reading and the price indices don’t decline, we’ll see stagflation concerns rise.  Other reports today include Jobless Claims (E: 265K) and Existing Home Sales (E: 4.85M) but neither should move markets.

We also get two Fed speakers, George (1:20 p.m. ET) and Kashkari (1:45 p.m. ET), and the market will be looking for any insight on a 50 bps vs. 75 bps hike in September (markets are expecting 50 bps).

Two Clear Takeaways from the Fed Decision

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Two Clear Takeaways from the Fed Decision
  • EIA Analysis and Oil Update

Futures are modestly lower on disappointing earnings and the increased probability of higher corporate taxes.

Earnings from META, QCOM, and others disappointed and that’s reversing some of Wednesday’s tech-driven gains.

Senate Democrats agreed on a smaller Build Back Better bill that includes some corporate tax increases, although it’s still not clear when this becomes law.

Today will be a busy day from a data and earnings standpoint.  Economically, Jobless Claims (E: 249K) is the key report and if it moves considerably above 250k that will signal further deterioration in the labor market.  We also get Preliminary Q2 GDP (E: 0.5%) and as we said yesterday, don’t be shocked if it’s negative and you hear a lot of recession commentary.

On the earnings front, today is an important day and the key reports will be:  PFE ($1.72), MA ($2.36), AAPL ($1.14), AMZN ($0.15), INTC ($0.69).

Sevens Report Analysts Quoted in Market Watch on July 21st, 2022

U.S. oil prices settle with a more than 3% loss as weak gasoline demand allows fuel inventories to rise

Additionally, gasoline supplied, a measure of implied demand, only bounced by 459,000 b/d (barrels a day) to 8.52 million b/d last week after the measure plunged 1.35 million b/d the prior week, which was the largest since the initial COVID lockdowns…wrote analysts at Sevens Report Research. Click here to read the full article.

Technical Update: What Would Make This Bounce Sustainable?

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Technical Update:  What Would Make This Bounce Sustainable?
  • EIA Analysis and Oil Update

Futures are slightly lower following a busy night of mixed earnings reports and ahead of today’s ECB decision.

Politically, Italian PM Draghi formally resigned and there will be elections in Italy this fall, which is adding to general macro-economic uncertainty.

Earnings overnight were mixed although TSLA posted solid results and the stock rallied 3% after hours.

Today will be a busy day for economic data and earnings and the key event is the ECB Decision.  A 25 bps hike is expected although a 50 bps hike is very possible.  From a stock standpoint, markets will be hoping for a 50 bps hike because that will boost the euro and weigh on the dollar (the dollar being this high is a problem for U.S. corporate earnings).  Outside of the ECB we also get Jobless Claims (E: 240K) and Philadelphia Fed (E: -3.3).

On the earnings front, results continue to roll in and so far this season they are decidedly mixed (not good, but not materially worse than feared, either).  Some results we’re watching today include:  T ($0.59), FCX ($0.80), UNP ($2.38), COF ($5.09).

What The Hot CPI Report Means for Markets

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • What the Hot CPI Report Means for Markets
  • EIA Analysis and Update (Demand Falling)

Futures are sharply lower as markets digest the hot CPI amidst numerous hawkish central bank decisions.

Global central banks are aggressively tightening policy and that was displayed yesterday and overnight as the Bank of Canada and the central banks of Singapore, Philippines, and, Chile all hiked more than expected.

Meanwhile, U.S. Fed Fund Futures are now pricing in a 100-bps hike in July.

Today we get two notable economic reports via Jobless Claims (E: 234K) and PPI (0.8% m/m, 10.4% y/y).  Starting with PPI, if we see a big drop (which isn’t expected but possible) that will be a mild positive as PPI is sometimes a leading indicator for broader inflation.  Jobless claims, meanwhile, should continue to tick higher towards 250k.

On the earnings front, Q2 earnings season unofficially kicks off today with results from JPM ($2.85) and MS ($1.55) and in addition to wanting to see earnings beats, markets will be looking for commentary from management on the state of the economy, and if that commentary is cautious it’ll be a headwind on stocks.

Sevens Report Co-Editor Tyler Richey Quoted in Market Watch on July 7th, 2022

U.S. oil prices settle back above $100 a barrel; natural-gas futures rise over 14%

The Energy Information Administration data showed a healthy rebound in gasoline demand, easing some recent concerns about demand destruction in gasoline markets…said Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research. Click here to read the full article.

Sector Trends: Relative Strength to the S&P 500

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Sector Trends:  Relative Strength to the S&P 500
  • EIA Analysis and Oil Market Update

Futures are slightly higher as incrementally positive macro news offset more disappointing tech earnings.

Nvidia earnings underwhelmed and the stock fell 5% after hours, and that is weighing on tech this morning.

But, not as hawkish as feared in FOMC minutes and the continued reopening of Shanghai offset the soft NVDA earnings.

Today’s focus will be on economic data via the Revised Q1 GDP (-1.4%), Jobless Claims (E: 208K), and Pending Home Sales (E: -1.3%).  Given the recent weakness in other economic data, the market will want to see stability in the numbers to continue to push back on stagflation concerns.

Is the Fed’s Bark Worse than Its Bite?

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • What the FOMC Decision Means for Markets (Is the Fed’s Bark Worse than Its Bite?)
  • EIA Analysis and Oil Outlook Update

Futures are moderately lower as markets digest Wednesday’s big post-Fed rally following a night of underwhelming economic data.

The April Chinese services PMI plunged to 36.2 vs. (E) 41.1, reflecting the economic damage from lockdowns.  In Europe, data was mixed as German Manufacturers’ Orders missed estimates while UK Services PMI beat expectations.

There are multiple Fed speakers today on financial media outlets (there are no official speeches scheduled) and don’t be surprised if they sound hawkish and push back on the post FOMC rally yesterday (this is especially true for Bullard, whose doing interviews today).

Today’s focus will be on the aforementioned Fed speakers, and again don’t be shocked if they sound “hawkish” and that causes some giveback from yesterday’s rally (but a hawkish tone won’t undo the positives from Powell’s press conference, either).

Economically, there is a BOE Rate decision and they are expected to hike 25 bps.  Domestically, the key report today is Unit Labor Costs (E: 6.8%) as that will give us a good look at total wage inflation (and if it’s higher than estimates that will be a negative).  We also get Jobless Claims (E: 178K) but that shouldn’t move markets.