CPI Preview (Good, Bad & Ugly)

What’s in Today’s Report: CPI Preview (Good, Bad & Ugly) & EIA Analysis and Oil Market Update.

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Sevens Report Co-editor Tyler Richey Quoted in MarketWatch on December 2, 2019

“Trade war headlines have been the main driver of the energy markets, but since late last week…” said Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research.

Was the Jobs Report an “All Clear” on the Economy?

What’s in today’s report: Was the strong jobs report an “All Clear” on the economy? Weekly market preview, weekly economic cheat sheet, Futures and more…

Jobs Day

What is in today’s report: Jobs report, Trade update – What’s the latest? Key levels to watch in the dollar and 10 year yield, OPEC update and more…

Technical Update (Key Support and Resistance Levels)

What’s in today’s report: Technical update, Jobs report preview, EIA/Oil market update, Futures, Economic data, economic report to watch and more…

No Trade Deal?

What’s in today’s report: What happens if there isn’t a trade deal, Futures are rebounding modestly this morning, Service PMI data in China and Europe beat expectations and more…

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Tom Essaye Quoted in Bloomberg Quint on December 3, 2019

Tom Essaye, a former Merrill Lynch trader who founded the Sevens Report newsletter, said he prefers ISM, but “the bottom line is both numbers are telling us that manufacturing activity is weak.”