History suggests the answer is probably no

History suggests the answer is probably no. More often, the reversal of a yield-curve inversion has signaled that the wheels are about to come off the economy and the stock market with it, according to Tom Essaye, a former Merrill Lynch trader and founder of Sevens Report Research.

What the Fed Decision Means for Markets

What’s in Today’s Report: What the Fed decision means for narkets, Why stocks didn’t fall more yesterday, EIA analysis and oil market update.

Sevens Report Analysts Quoted in Market Watch on December 12th, 2022

Oil traded lower into the weekend, but the pace of declines “slowed as WTI approached technical…said analysts at Sevens Report Research.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Blockworks on December 9th, 2022

We remain in a liquidation phase of the market cycle during which more sophisticated…Tom Essaye, founder of Sevens Report Research said.

Sevens Report Co-Editor Tyler Richey Quoted in Market Watch on December 8th, 2022

The report “pointed to some further deterioration in consumer demand as we…Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research wrote.

CPI Takeaways and Updated FOMC Preview

What’s in Today’s Report: What does the CPI report mean for markets? FOMC preview, Fibonacci retracement levels remain pivotal for S&P 500.

CPI Day and FOMC Preview

What’s in Today’s Report: FOMC preview, CPI preview (Abbreviated version), Chart – NY Fed Survey inflation expectations fall sharply.