Massive rotation from tech and tech related sectors

Bottom line, this massive rotation from tech and tech related sectors was caused primarily by investors positioning for a rate cutting cycle and secondarily by anticipation for a Trump administration and negative tech news,” writes Sevens Report’s Tom Essaye.

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Tom Essaye Quoted in on May 9th, 2023

Equities could finally break out of that range and move higher if, data points more…said Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Barron’s on May 9th, 2023

With increasing focus on the debt ceiling, investors will be keenly focused on…said Tom Essaye, the founder of Sevens Report Research.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Barron’s on May 8th, 2023

Futures are slightly higher following a mostly quiet weekend of news as markets look ahead to Wednesday’s…wrote Sevens Report’s Tom Essaye.

Stock Market

Market Multiple Chart: S&P 500

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Multiple Table Chart: S&P 500, CPI preview – Will the data contradict Fed “Pause” expectations, and more…


Market Multiple Table: May Update

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Multiple Table – May update (unbranded PDF available on request), and the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey.

The Fed Pivoted, So Now What?

What’s in Today’s Report: Sevens Report Technicals first issue today, The Fed pivoted, so now what? And more…