The Rotation Out of Tech Continues

What’s in Today’s Report: The Rotation Out of Tech Continues

Weekly Market Cheat Sheet

Weekly Market Cheat Sheet, June 12, 2017

The Sevens Report is the daily markets cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, leading indicators, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets. Get a free two-week trial with no obligation, just tell us where to send it. Last Week in Review: There were only a few economic releases last week […]

how to trade the ecb rate decision

ECB Rate Decision, June 9, 2017

How to trade ECB Rate Decision—cut through the noise and understand what’s truly driving markets, as this new political and economic reality evolves. Start your free two-week trial today.  The ECB Decision left rates unchanged, and made no changes to the QE program, as expected. ECB Rate Decision Takeaway The ECB met expectations Thursday, as they changed […]

UK Elections

UK General Elections — What the Outcome Could Mean for US Markets, June 8, 2017

The focus on this event is magnified because of Brexit, but the bottom line is that it’s unlikely to move global markets. Still, I wanted to provide a basic primer so no one is blindsided if there is election-inspired volatility. Today’s election will be for the House of Commons. Polls and most betting sites have […]

why are bond yields important? sevens report

Why Bond Yields Are Important (A Plain-English Primer), June 7, 2017

For more than two months, I’ve been talking about the increasingly concerning macro signals being sent by the bond market. During that time, stocks have traded great, hitting new highs amidst minimal volatility. So, it’s logical to ask why I and many other analysts continue to point out these signs of non-confirmation of the rally […]

Three Market Momentum Indicators to Watch

Three Momentum Indicators to Watch, June 6, 2017

The Sevens Report is everything you need to know about the market, in your inbox by 7am each morning in seven minutes or less. Sign up for your free, no obligation, two-week trial today. In Monday’s Sevens Report, we talked about how momentum, more so than anything else, is driving this rally in stocks. And while momentum is […]

Weekly Market Cheat Sheet, June 5, 2017

The Sevens Report is the daily markets cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, leading indicators, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets. Get a free two-week trial with no obligation, just tell us where to send it. Last Week in Review: Until Friday’s jobs report, the economic data last week […]