The Rotation Out of Tech Continues

What’s in Today’s Report: The Rotation Out of Tech Continues

Breakout or Breakdown- Why the Next Two Weeks Will be Critical For the Rally

Breakout or Breakdown: Why the Next Two Weeks Will be Critical For the Rally, June 30, 2017

The Sevens Report is the daily market cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets. We’re coming to a bit of a fork in the road here in markets and the economy. The market appears to be accepting the reality that even with some lackluster […]

China's Inverted Yield Curve

China’s Inverted Yield Curve, June 28, 2017

If A Yield Curve Inverts In China, Does It Signal A Looming Recession? The Sevens Report is the daily market cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets. Start your free trial today. Last week, in our post, “Will Chinese Credit Impulse Impact Global Markets?“, […]

when will bond market yields matter?

When Will the Decline in Bond Yields Matter?, June 27, 2017

Get the simple talking points you need to strengthen your client relationships with a free trial of The Sevens Report. For three months, we and other macro analysts have been warning that the bond market, via falling yields and a flattening yield curve, was sending a worrisome signal about future economic growth and inflation. And, […]

Weekly market cheat sheet - sevens report

Weekly Market Cheat Sheet, June 26, 2017

The Sevens Report is the daily market cheat sheet our subscribers use to keep up on markets, leading indicators, seize opportunities, avoid risks and get more assets. Get a free two-week trial with no obligation, just tell us where to send it. Last Week in Review: For a second-straight week, we got underwhelming data and […]

Will Chinese Credit Impulse Impact Global Markets?

Will Chinese Credit Impulse Impact Global Markets? June 22, 2017

Yesterday’s article: Why Credit Impulse Matters. If you feel like at any moment this market could turn around – and in a hurry—subscribe to The Sevens Report! Stay one step ahead of the markets. One of the reasons I watch China so closely (along with other macro analysts) is because for the last decade, every time […]

QE policy

Why “Credit Impulse” Matters to You, June 21, 2017

Credit Impulse Explained: There are many analysts and investors who believe that the entire ’09-’17 stock rally is nothing more than the result of a historic, globally coordinated credit creation event from the world’s major central banks. Put in layman’s terms, every major central bank in the world has done QE at some stage over […]