Consumer demand remains rather strong

Consumer demand remains rather strong “despite higher prices at the pump this year and simmering concerns about the health of the economy,” Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research, told MarketWatch.

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Tom Essaye Quoted in Axios on November 4, 2020

Stock investors may be in something of a “post-election fog” or a “drunken euphoria”…, says Tom Essaye, director of Sevens Report Research.

Magnifying Glass

Jobs Report Preview

What’s in today’s report: Jobs report preview, Why is the dollar dropping so sharply, FOMC reaction, Futures, election and more…

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Sevens Report Co-editor Tyler Richey Quoted in MarketWatch on November 5, 2020

On balance, the supply data Wednesday were “bullish for energy as oil…” analysts at Sevens Report Research wrote in Thursday’s newsletter.

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Tom Essaye Quoted in Unseen Opportunity on November 4, 2020

Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report, also sees plenty of upside despite unclear vote totals.“News of a contested …” he said.

Tom Essaye Quoted in NBC News on November 3, 2020

“Ultimately, the markets want clarity, and the…” Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report and a stock market analyst, wrote in a note.

Market Outlook in A Divided Government

What’s in today’s report: Market outlook in divided government, Macro landscape beyond politics, FOMC preview, Futures and more…