Market Impact of the Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Impact of the Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump

Tom Essaye Quoted in on March 24, 2021

Tom Essaye, an analyst at Sevens Report Research, stated that “I think what we’ve seen over the past couple days is some end…”

Why the Suez Canal Blockage Isn’t Bullish for Oil

What’s in today’s report: Why the suez canal blockage isn’t bullish for oil, Another bad treasury auction (although not as bad as last time) and more…

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Tom Essaye Quoted in CNBC on March 23, 2021

“This is the first bull market that any of us have been through where it’s been…” said Tom Essaye, founder of Sevens Report.

NY Stock Exchange

Four Pillars of the Rally Updated (More Cracks Appearing)

What’s in today’s report: Four pillars of the rally updated, EIA & oil market update (all about demand), Futures are modestly higher and more…

Why Did Stocks Drop Again?

What’s in today’s report: Why did stocks drop again? The VIX has approached a tipping point, U.S. equity futures are trading higher and more.

Is Tech Bottoming?

What’s in today’s report: Is tech underperformance ending? Stock futures are tracking global shares lower, AstraZeneca vaccine trial, Fed officials, and more…