
Three Things That Could Go Wrong

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Three Things That Could Go Wrong
  • Weekly Market Preview:  Stimulus Progress and Earnings Will Move Markets
  • Weekly Economic Cheatsheet:  Fed Meeting on Wednesday.

Futures are marginally higher as markets bounce back from Friday’s declines following a quiet weekend of news.

Economically, the only notable report was the German Ifo Business Expectations Index, which slightly missed estimates at 91.1 vs. (E) 93.2.

Politically, there was no progress on stimulus (that is the main focus of markets going forward) while the COVID travel bans that were announced won’t move markets as they were largely in place for the past several months (the bans were effectively just extended by the Biden Administration, so it’s not something materially new).

Today there are no economic reports so any “color” on the stimulus progress will move markets.

On the earnings front, we get some notable reports today (KMB ($1.61), BOH ($1.11), XLNX ($0.71)) but the really important results don’t come until Tuesday (MSFT) and Wednesday (AAPL, TSLA, FB, etc.)