Why the Post Office Drama Matters to Markets

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Why the Post Office Drama Matters to Markets
  • Empire State Manufacturing Survey Takeaways

S&P 500 futures are slightly higher, trading within 10 points of their record high this morning after a mostly quiet night of news.

U.S.-China tensions remain elevated following the Commerce Department’s new tighter restrictions on Chinese telecom giant, Huawei Technologies, but for now the impact on the broad markets has been limited.

There were no notable economic reports overnight and no material developments regarding the next coronavirus relief bill.

Today is lining up to be another relatively slow day in the markets as there is only one economic report: Housing Starts (E: 1.240M) and there are no Fed officials scheduled to speak. The quiet calendar will leave investors largely focused on the status of the stimulus bill negotiations in Congress which remain in a stalemate.

The Vaccine Playbook

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • The Vaccine Playbook

S&P 500 futures are approaching record highs this morning amid news that Russia has approved a COVID-19 vaccine while investors remain optimistic for a U.S. stimulus deal.

In a televised meeting, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, stated that Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute successfully developed a “safe and effective” coronavirus vaccine ready to move to a Phase 3 trial, sparking risk-on money flows.

Economically, both the German ZEW Survey and the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index largely met estimates and importantly did not alter the narrative that the broader global economic recovery remains underway.

Today, there is one economic report: PPI (E: 0.3%) and one Fed official is scheduled to speak: Daly (12:00 p.m. ET) but neither should move markets as investors will be keenly focused on the details surrounding the Russian coronavirus vaccine as well as any new progress towards a deal on the next U.S. stimulus bill.

Stimulus Update (Are the Executive Orders Positive for Stocks?)

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Stimulus Update – Are The Executive Orders Positive for Stocks?
  • Is It Time to Chase This Market?
  • Weekly Economic Cheat Sheet (Jobless Claims Remain the Key)
  • Weekly Market Preview (What’s Next in the Stimulus Saga)

Futures are little changed as markets look past President Trump’s executive orders on economic stimulus following an otherwise quiet weekend.

With stimulus talks again at an impasse, President Trump issued several executive orders over the weekend to provide economic stimulus, including $300/week in federal unemployment and a payroll tax deferral.

But, for a multitude of reasons (legal and otherwise) none of these actions will have any immediate economic impact, so the market still expects a stimulus bill to be passed (but now in the coming weeks, not immediately).

Today there’s one labor market number, JOLTS (E: 5.288M), but that shouldn’t move markets, and instead focus will be on stimulus.  Today, the key is that both the Democrats and Republicans signal they are going to continue negotiations on the stimulus bill.  If the rhetoric implies the talks have stalled completely, that that will likely pressure stocks.

Market Multiple Table: August Update

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • Market Multiple Table: August Update

Futures are rallying on optimistic comments from Secretary Mnuchin about a new stimulus deal being reached by the end of the week as well as upbeat economic data.

Composite PMIs were mostly in line with expectations overnight but EU Retail Sales notably rose 1.3% vs. (E) 0.2% Y/Y in June, a recovery to pre-pandemic levels that is rekindling hopes for a V-shaped economic recovery.

This morning, investor focus will be on economic data early as we get the first look at July jobs data via the ADP Employment Report (E: 1.888M) ahead of the bell while International Trade (E: -$50.3B) and the ISM Non-Manufacturing Index (E: 55.0) will both be released after the open.

Earnings season is still in full swing as well with several companies due to report Q2 results today including: CVS ($1.93), MRNA (-$0.36), HUM ($10.34), ROKU (-$0.55), MET ($0.96), ADT ($0.27).

Beyond economic data and earnings, the market’s main focus is clearly the stimulus bill and any news of further progress will be a tailwind for stocks while any new “roadblocks” will likely trigger some risk-off money flows across asset classes.

What the Fed Decision Means for Markets (Positive but not a Silver Bullet)

What’s in Today’s Report:

  • What the Fed Decision Means for Markets (Positive, But Not a Silver Bullet)

Futures are lower following disappointing headlines on U.S. stimulus progress, combined with profit taking ahead of multiple important market catalysts coming today.

U.S. stimulus bill talks were said to be at an “impasse” late Wednesday, and that’s weighing on sentiment (although this drama is to be expected, as we cautioned last week, and a deal is still very much expected by mid- August).

Economically, German Q2 GDP missed estimates (-10.1% vs. (E) -9.4%), which is a reminder just how much damage was inflicted on the global economy in Q2.

As mentioned, one of the reasons futures are weaker this morning is book squaring ahead of several important economic and earnings events today.

First, the most important economic report of the day is Jobless Claims (E: 1.38M).  We address this more in the Report, but there are growing signs the U.S. economic recovery is pausing or stalling, and that’s not priced into stocks above 3200 in the S&P 500.  If we see another notable increase in weekly claims (say through 1.5M) that will amplify fears the recovery is stalling and likely weigh on stocks.

Then, on the earnings front, we get four of the most important stocks in the market announcing results after the close: AMZN (E: $1.75), AAPL (E: $1.99), FB (E: $1.44), GOOGL (E: $8.43).  The earnings results will be “fine” but these stocks have had huge runs, and if they disappoint vs. elevated expectations, just due to these stocks weights in the S&P 500, it could pressure markets after hours.

Finally, today we will get the initial look at Q2 GDP, and it will be historic as it’s estimated to be -35% seasonally adjusted annual rate (remember GDP is usually around 2% saar).  I never in my life thought we’d see such a number, and I hope we don’t ever see it again.  But, today history will be made as the worst GDP print ever.

S&P 500 Upside Targets

The next three upside targets in the S&P 500 are 2416, 2434, and 2463 while a relatively critical support zone lies below between 2250 and 2275.


10 Yr. Note Yield Plunges Back Into Range

After another “headfake” earlier this week, the 10 year yield dropped sharply lower back towards the middle of the recent, multi-month trading range as the FOMC was received dovishly by investors.


Sevens Report 1.23.15

Sevens Report 1.23.15MDI

Sevens Report 1.22.15

Sevens Report 1.22.15GMG

Sevens Repot 1.21.15

Sevens Report 1.21.15GHT