What to Watch in Economics for the Week Ahead


This Week
Compared to last week, things will be relatively quiet on the economics front this week. The most important domestic report will be retail sales on Friday. Given the payroll tax hikes, increased healthcare costs and sequester, markets are concerned whether or not the consumer can hold up. So far, the data has shown the consumer is still spending, but the employment report has people nervous, especially after the retail industry dropped 24k jobs in March.

Second in importance this week will be the Fed Minutes from the most recent meeting. The market will be looking for more clarity regarding when QE purchases will be scaled back, although given that the last meeting was an extended one with a press conference and growth projections, I’m not sure there will be much gleaned from the minutes that we don’t already know.

Finally, jobless claims will be watched Thursday, specifically to see if that big Easter-related jump in claims is revised down. Given the soft monthly jobs report last Friday, this will take on even greater significance.

Looking Internationally, by far the most important report this week will be Chinese CPI (released tonight). The main concern in China remains rising inflation, in that it could continue to force additional fiscal tightening from Beijing. Given the stagnation in Europe, the global economy needs China to continue to see growth accelerate, and that will be hard to accomplish if inflation is running too hot.

Things quiet down in Europe this week, as there isn’t a lot of economic data. EMU Industrial Production (Friday) is the highlight, and German IP (today) will also be watched—but those reports, even if they are better than expectations, won’t be enough to stem the growing concern that the EU economy is once again contracting.

Central Bank Decisions

Central Bank Decisions

Bank of Japan

The bar was set pretty high for the BOJ coming into yesterday’s meeting.  Investors were expecting a lot of additional monetary easing, but seeing as the yen had already declined significantly, most assumed that the “dovish” results of the meeting were priced in.  They were wrong.

New Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda promised earlier in the week to do everything he can to break deflation, and he stuck to his words.  Without getting into the weeds of the fiscal details, the Bank of Japan has put its monetary accommodation into overdrive.

  • The Bank of Japan is going to specifically try to inflate asset prices (stocks and bonds) by increasing the adjusted monetary base (i.e. printing money) at a pace of 60 to 70 trillion yen annually over the next two years, compared to an increase of 13.4 trillion yen in ’12 and 15.6 trillion yen in ’11.
  • Additionally, the BOJ will start buying massive amounts of long-term government bonds (more than doubling the current pace of 20 trillion worth of bonds to 50 trillion).
  • Finally, the BOJ will increase the amount of ETFs it is currently buying by 100% (from 500 billion yen to 1 trillion yen).


I’m as big a Japan bull as anyone I know – starting from when I first pointed out the bullish trend emerging last fall with the election of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  In an investment landscape that is very conflicted and uncertain, the Japan bull market in equities was and is one of the most clear and powerful trends in the market.  But, as much of a bull as I was, I never would have dreamed of this type of historically aggressive monetary policy.  The bottom line here is that I believe that Japanese stocks are heading much, much higher, and the yen is heading much, much lower.  I’ve made the analogy often that buying Japan now is like buying the S&P 500 at the start of the QE program – well now it’s like buying it at the start of a QE program on steroids.  Long DXJ remains my top idea in the markets today.

Don’t Forget About the DOW

Interestingly, the Dow was a big outperformer on the day (up .76%), and usually when that happens there is one stock that is up several percentage points that skews the average.  Interestingly, that was not the case on Monday, as the strength in the Dow was evenly spread across many of the index components (TRV, The Travelers, was the best performing stock in the index up just 1.79%).

The Dow is now up 5.76% for the year, about half of the S&P 500.  The reason for this underperformance has to do with the sectors that have rallied the most year to date (Tech and Financials) which are more heavily weighted in the S&P than in the Dow (plus the Dow doesn’t have AAPL).

But, the outperformance today should be noted.  If we are heading into a period of concern/weakness in the markets, the sturdy, somewhat stodgy, industrial companies in the Dow, with strong cash flows, good yields, and decidedly less economically sensitive businesses, will outperform.

If investors are concerned about the market trading like it’s 2011, then perhaps it’s helpful to look at what worked in 2011.  Keep in mind, in 2011 the Dow finished up 5.5%, while the S&P was flat, and the NASDAQ fell 1.8%.


Steepening Yield Curve a Bullish Sign for Bank Stocks

As you probably know, the banking sector has been one of the best performing of the year (up 28% year to date). I think it’s safe to say that the banks have probably become a bit overbought here, and that a correction of some sort is due. So, if you’re not already long the banks, it would be foolish to buy them here.

But, that short term overbought situation aside, one of the things that has been happening lately, that is very bullish for banks, is that the yield curve has been steepening for the first time in a while.

The difference in yield between the 10 year government bond and the two year government bond has risen sharply so far this year, and that speaks directly to banks “Net Interest Margin.“

As you probably know, banks make money by borrowing short term at low rates, and lending long term at high rates. That difference is called the Net Interest Margin, and that’s the profit the bank earns.

Well, as the yield curve steepens, the net interest margin of banks increases. So, despite the potential of a decline in the short term, the underlying fundamentals are turning more positive for banks, and a decline in the banks should be viewed as a long term buying opportunity.

Finally, while a steepening yield curve is bullish for bank stocks, there is actually an ETN that you can buy that actually rises as the yield curve itself steepens. The ETN symbol is STPP. Seems like there’s an ETF (or ETN) for everything these days.