Entries by Tom 2

Your Weekly Economic Cheat Sheet-6.23.2014

Economic data last week were universally better than expected and further implied that the pace of economic growth domestically is accelerating to the best levels since the crisis (referred to as “escape velocity,” or greater than 3% GDP growth). Additionally, we got more signs that inflation is indeed bottoming, via the CPI.

Iraq and Rising Oil Prices

Headlines can be very powerful drivers of markets, and when the headlines involve the Middle East, war and oil supplies, you can bet the whole world gets a justified case of the jitters. So, it should come as no surprise that the action in the commodities pits last week was a broad rally, as both […]

Your Weekly Economic Cheat Sheet – 6.16.2014

Last Week Last week ended up being a potentially very important week, but not because of the actual data, which slightly disappointed in the U.S. and came in generally in-line in China (further implying the pace of growth is stabilizing). The most important event of the week came Friday morning, when Bank of England Governor […]