Is Q2 Sector Performance Warning About Growth?

What’s in Today’s Report: Is the Second Quarter Market Performance Warning About Economic Growth?

The Economy – A Look Back and A look Ahead

The economic data and central bank announcements last week were expected to help provide greater clarity on the three major questions in the market right now: When will the Fed taper? Is the European economy stabilizing? Is the slowing of China’s growth getting worse?

Interest Rates Moving Higher Despite Dovish FOMC Statement – Here’s the Need To Know

The FOMC meeting and statement generally met expectations, although on balance the statement was taken as slightly dovish (which shouldn’t surprise anyone).

FOMC, Jobs and Economic Data – It’s a Busy Week, Here’s the Need to Know

This is an extremely busy week of potential macro-economic catalysts and for more color into what the Fed might do next.

Correction or Pause? Here’s The Indicator to Watch.

The Dollar Index and Treasuries both rallied for the first time this week on Wednesday, but the main catalyst wasn’t the better economic data (although that obviously helped). Instead, the reports in the Washington Post and Huffington Post that Larry Summers appears to be the favorite to become the next Fed chairman weighed on Treasuries.

WWFD (What Will the Fed Do), Is Fed “Tapering” Still on Track?

Economic data wasn’t the main market driver last week, as earnings have taken center stage. But, the data was mostly positive and the big takeaway from last week is that Fed “tapering” remains very much on schedule for September.

Boring But Important: ECB Relaxes Collateral Rules

This news hit wires pretty quietly Thursday, but the ECB took action to help solve a major issue that is impeding the recovery in Europe. One of the problems I and others have been discussing for some time in Europe…