Hard Landing/Soft Landing Scoreboard (Updated)

What’s in Today’s Report: Hard Landing/Soft Landing Scoreboard (Updated) and Post Fed Technical Takeaways.

Financial Times Logo

Tom Essaye Quoted in Financial Times on May 1, 2019

Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report, said a modest but noticeable 539,000-barrel draw from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve — just the second time the US has tapped its SPR this year…

Barron's logo

Tom Essaye Quoted in Barron’s on May 2, 2019

Keep an eye on how the market overall responds to Wednesday’s drop. “Traders will be focused on whether the S&P 500 can hold yesterday’s low…”

MarketWatch logo

Tom Essaye Quoted in MarketWatch on May 2, 2019

Tom Essaye quoted in MarketWatch on May 2nd 2019. After Powell’s news conference, investors were “left with a market lacking a material, positive catalyst at the moment and one at the top of reasonable valuations…” said Tom. 

Man taking notes

FOMC Takeaways (Where’s the Positive Catalyst Now?)

What’s in today’s report: FOMC takeaways, why this Fed isn’t good at communication, jobs report preview, oil market update, Futures and more.


Curve Steepening: Buy Banks?

What’s in today’s report: 10’s-2’s showing signs of life, S&P futures are indicating stocks will open at all-time highs today, AAPL beat on earnings and revenue in Q1 and more…

Magnifying glass

Will the Fed Cut Rates?

What’s in today’s report: FOMC preview, U.S. futures and most international equity markets were mildly lower, on the earnings front, there are several notable companies releasing reports today and more.