Consumer demand remains rather strong

Consumer demand remains rather strong “despite higher prices at the pump this year and simmering concerns about the health of the economy,” Tyler Richey, co-editor at Sevens Report Research, told MarketWatch.

Bear and Bull

Why Are Markets Ignoring Bad Economic Data?

What’s in today’s report: Why are markets ignoring bad economic data? Important context for jobless claims, Futures, economic data and more…

CNBC logo

Tom Essaye Quoted in CNBC on April 22, 2020

“The historic drop by front month oil futures was largely due to logistical issues in the physical market, namely lack of available storage, paired with futures expiration looming…” wrote Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report.

Reopened vs. Normal

What’s in today’s report: What’s next for the economy: Reopened vs. normal, oil inventory analysis, Futures are slightly lower, April global flash PMIs and more…

What’s Next for Oil?

What’s in today’s report: The oil crash and contango explained, Why is copper considered to have a PhD? Stock futures are enjoying a solid 1%+ bounce and more…

Wall Street Sign

How Much Good News Is Already Priced In?

What’s in today’s report: How much good news is already priced in? Weekly market preview, weekly economic cheat sheet, Futures, WTI Crude oil and more…

Sevens Report Co-Editor Tyler Richey quoted in The Market Herald on April 16, 2020

“Despite the efforts by global oil producers to curb production in order to balance the market over the last week, the world is still facing a massive demand issue,” Tyler Richey at Sevens Report Research told MarketWatch. “Until we see consumption of refined products…”