History suggests the answer is probably no

History suggests the answer is probably no. More often, the reversal of a yield-curve inversion has signaled that the wheels are about to come off the economy and the stock market with it, according to Tom Essaye, a former Merrill Lynch trader and founder of Sevens Report Research.

What’s Needed for Markets to Stabilize

What’s in Today’s Report: What’s needed for markets to stabilize (It’s not that much) Can bond yields fall further? Jobs Report on Friday.

Why Stocks Hit New Lows

What’s in Today’s Report: Why stocks hit new lows, UK fiscal drama, Better than feared economic data, and more…

Understanding What’s Happening in the UK and with the BOE (This Matters to U.S. Stocks and Bonds)

What’s in Today’s Report: What’s happening in the UK and with the BOE, What the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage means for energy markets.

Man in suit meeting a woman

Fundamentals Remain Bearish

What’s in Today’s Report: Fundamentals remain bearish, Durable Goods and Consumer Confidence, Chart: Nasdaq holds June lows so far.

Why the U.K. Budget Drama Matters to You

What’s in Today’s Report: Why the U.K. budget drama matters (Hint: spiking yields), Two technical takeaways from yesterday’s new lows.

How Bad Can It Get? (And What Makes It Stop?)

What’s in Today’s Report: How bad could it get and what makes it stop? Can the June lows hold? Does economic growth stay resilient?