Market Impact of Biden’s Decision

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Impact of Biden’s Decision to Drop Out and Putting Last Week’s Declines in Proper Context (What Tech Giveth, Tech Taketh Away).

Tom Essaye Quoted in Yahoo on March 14th, 2023

Sevens Report analyst Tom Essaye told Forbes the selloff following Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse and a similar collapse by crypto bank…

Tom Essaye Quoted in Forbes on March 14th, 2023

Sevens Report analyst Tom Essaye warned in a Tuesday note that the most recent market gains could be little more than a “head fake rally.”

Tom Essaye Quoted in Yahoo News on March 14th, 2023

Given the bank troubles, this report isn’t bad enough to put 50 bps back on the table, but if the Fed wants to maintain…Essaye wrote.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Forbes on March 14th, 2023

If the bank crisis is limited to just a few banks, then the actions taken on Sunday by the Fed and…says Sevens Report analyst Tom Essaye.

Market Multiple Table Chart

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Multiple Table chart, Update on Credit Suisse, and An important difference between now and 2008.


Market Multiple Table: March Update

What’s in Today’s Report: Market Multiple Table – March update, February CPI takeaways, and a breakdown in the energy markets: Oil update.