Massive rotation from tech and tech related sectors

Bottom line, this massive rotation from tech and tech related sectors was caused primarily by investors positioning for a rate cutting cycle and secondarily by anticipation for a Trump administration and negative tech news,” writes Sevens Report’s Tom Essaye.

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Tom Essaye Quoted in BNN Bloomberg on April 6th, 2023

As investors have aggressively priced in rate cuts this year, a “too hot” payrolls number would undermine those…according to Tom Essaye.

Analysts at Sevens Report Quoted in MarketWatch on April 6th, 2023

Bottom line, the fundamental dynamics of the oil market changed this week with OPEC+’s announced…said analysts at Sevens Report Research.

Current Market Assumptions (Why Stocks Remain Resilient)

What’s in Today’s Report: Current market assumptions, Why jobless claims jumped last week, and inflation is the key this week.

Jobs Report Preview (Two Sided Risks)

What’s in Today’s Report: Jobs Report preview, EIA analysis and oil update, and Why yesterday’s Service PMI was a negative for markets.

Tom Essaye Quoted in Forbes on April 3rd, 2023

The surprise announcement also suggests OPEC+ may be getting more cautious about its outlook for global oil demand given…says Tom Essaye.

Why Wasn’t “Bad” Data “Good” for Stocks Yesterday?

What’s in Today’s Report: Why wasn’t “bad” data “good” for stocks yesterday? JOLTS and factory orders takeaways, and more…